It's looking up again in the garden. Due to the drastic weather changes in the last couple of months, the garden has slowed down considerably. The basil had to be pulled completely because it dried, the dill just thinned out, the papaya lost all its leaves and so on.
It's been about a couple of weeks that they started showing some improvement. I also added a little organic fertilizer to help the process along and a few have been moved to bigger pots. Culantro, Sage, Chillies, Basil & Rosemary have filled up nicely. Even the swiss chard made a comeback.
I've also planted a few new additions to the garden. Thai Basil, Purple Beauty Peppers, Brandywine tomatoes & Cherry tomatoes. So far the Brandywine and the Cherry tomatoes have made an appearance & everyone else is barely breaking through the soil.
I thoroughly enjoy this process of planting seeds and seeing those first few sights of little stems pushing through the soil. Those days previous to that are filled with excitement and anticipation. It's these little simple things in life that bring a smile to my face.
I am especially pleased with greens.
That bed is filled with mesclun mix, endive, purple lettuce and of course my stellar, arugula.
The fabulous Rocket was planted last July. Yes, July. I didn't know anything about greens but later on found out they do better in cooler weather. Despite the heat & humidity of last summer, they did amazing.
We have been eating it at least once a week since their first harvest. It has flowered and seeded. And the floor of that greens garden is covered with a green shaggy color almost as if a bath mat. I might have to move other bunches elsewhere because of space. I wouldn't mind a full garden. I enjoy it in salad, eggs, stir fries, grilled cheeses and on and on.
In conclusion, things are looking up once again in the garden.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for stopping by.
I need to start a blog like this too.. just really hope that I can say the same about my garden.. I am just starting... I will for sure have some soy bean pictures in a few weeks to put on my plant blog .. whenever I launch it. I am totally into growing my own veges now, and I hope that I can have at least one salad per week from my own garden :) BTW, I am thinking of a make your own sushi and dumplings night at my place follow by home made dessert. whatever that may be and defintely will not be a dessert from my garden! hey talking about my garden, you gotta mention you new baby which you adopted not too long ago!
ReplyDeleteI have no excuse I live in the Tropics and still don't give my plants the care they deserve. I wish I was as disciplined as you to make sure that I had my plants healthy and producing for me...
ReplyDeleteThank you both for your comments.
ReplyDeleteRaul: start small. Herbs are a great way to start. Babysteps.
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